So what's the deal with ‘THE HILL'? Everyone has heard about 'the hill', And seriously? Who decided the age when you are ‘on the hill' or “over the hill"? And why has the hill moved?

I remember being younger, and being afraid of getting older. When I closed my eyes, I couldn’t even imagine it.
Never. No way was I getting old. For years I focused on being a mom- which has its share of ups, downs and questioning moments. I never thought about getting older - feeling out of shape trying to keep up to three kids under four, but NEVER old. I kept waiting for the concept of being older to be my reality so I could understand my friends.

Apparently you can't stop the numbers from increasing. However, I was busy, so I just kept aging and being myself. I ignored the dogma that comes with aging.  (There is a LOT of dogma, but that is for another blog)
I cannot lie that I wasn’t concerned about aging. At 40 I had an ‘aha' moment and realized that I was in a rut. I crashed, but came out stronger and more determined to live life to the fullest – despite aging.

Fast forward 22 years and I am now at a point where I am PROUD of my age and where I am at this point and time. 
I am NOT ‘over the hill'. I don't even feel that I am ‘on the hill'. I am just ME! I have blue dye mixed in with my grey hair and I wear my own style of clothes. I live my life enjoying the outdoors, hanging out with friends, playing with my grandkids, continual learning, and working on staying ABOVE the wellness line. 

Where do you stand on the hill?

Just me - Susan Coleman

Find me on Facebook by searching Empowered Living - Aging with Joy

1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Meyers  01/31/2021 12:16 AM Central
    Aloha loves💖
    I am somebody that has always taken my age with pride.
    As a child, I always wanted to be 30. Then I made it to 30 two times!! Now I’m 66!! (2x33=66🤣)
    I think that most of all that I want to feel healthy and active. I want to look nice for my age.
    I like flowers and wearing pink things. But pink is not my favorite color🤭🌴🌋💕✨

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