Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of trying. Fear of snakes or spiders. Fear of the unknown. 
Most people experience fear at some point of their lives. Fear is not only an emotion, but it is also one of our basic survival instincts. For the most part, experiencing fear is an indication our body and senses are doing their job.

I remember being a young child and sleeping with my back to the wall, and once I turned out the lights, running to jump on the bed – just in case there were snakes on the floor (never question the logic of a seven-year-old). I eventually stopped worrying about snakes in my room, but I still let fear hijack my emotions every once in awhile. When I was 30 and returning home to my dark, empty house, I would go through every room and open EVERY closet to make sure no one was in my house. Now, for those that know me, you may question this habit, since I spent many nights camping in a tent!

The turning point was at 33, when one night I was opening the 3rd closet and stopped as I started wondering “what" I would do if someone was actually in the closet! I then began thinking about how I camp and sleep in a tent (with just me and 3 kids). The tent does NOT have a lock, nor was I ever afraid of being in the tent. I laughed at myself, realized how illogical I had been, and never searched the house again.

So some will say that I ‘faced my fear' but it is more than that. I thought I had faced my fear by staring at a snake – a little too close for my comfort. This action did NOT make me less afraid of snakes. In fact, facing the object of my fear made it more real. It wasn’t until I consciously decided not to pass on my fear of snakes to my kids, that I learned to stay calm when I approach one (still working on surprise snake visits). What actually occurred while searching my home for intruders was that I let my logical, cognitive thinking brain get in on the conversation. You know, the one that helps you control your emotions? The one that lets you assess the situation, and draws on experience & training to make decisions?

So even though I am aware of fear and what it can do, and being someone who thinks things through ( even over thinking) you would think that I would be willing to take chances and use logic when attempting something new. Yet, it took months (well actually years) before I was able to start this group and blog! How CRAZY is that?

Two quotes come to mind that helped me get over my fear of uncertainty & commitment:
Faith over Fear (believe in yourself)
And I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

So, whether YOU are wanting to blog, write a book, teach a class, take a class, learn the piano, or even start an exercise program (daily walking, yoga, Pilates, etc) tell your smart brain to talk to your primal brain. Discover the cause of your hesitation.  You have nothing to lose by trying something new. In fact you gain the experience and who knows, you may even find a new passion!

I choose ‘Not to Fear'.

Wishing you JOY always!
Susan Coleman
Life Make it Better

Find me on Facebook - Empowered Living - Aging with Joy

Flatten the Hill

So what's the deal with ‘THE HILL'? Everyone has heard about 'the hill', And seriously? Who decided the age when you are ‘on the hill' or “over the hill"? And why has the hill moved?

I remember being younger, and being afraid of getting older. When I closed my eyes, I couldn’t even imagine it.
Never. No way was I getting old. For years I focused on being a mom- which has its share of ups, downs and questioning moments. I never thought about getting older - feeling out of shape trying to keep up to three kids under four, but NEVER old. I kept waiting for the concept of being older to be my reality so I could understand my friends.

Apparently you can't stop the numbers from increasing. However, I was busy, so I just kept aging and being myself. I ignored the dogma that comes with aging.  (There is a LOT of dogma, but that is for another blog)
I cannot lie that I wasn’t concerned about aging. At 40 I had an ‘aha' moment and realized that I was in a rut. I crashed, but came out stronger and more determined to live life to the fullest – despite aging.

Fast forward 22 years and I am now at a point where I am PROUD of my age and where I am at this point and time. 
I am NOT ‘over the hill'. I don't even feel that I am ‘on the hill'. I am just ME! I have blue dye mixed in with my grey hair and I wear my own style of clothes. I live my life enjoying the outdoors, hanging out with friends, playing with my grandkids, continual learning, and working on staying ABOVE the wellness line. 

Where do you stand on the hill?

Just me - Susan Coleman

Find me on Facebook by searching Empowered Living - Aging with Joy

Peppermint Essential Oil - Best herb ever!

I have been using Peppermint oil for five years now, This was the first oil that I opened when I bought my Starter Kit from Young Living. I am pretty sure, it was the ONLY bottle that I opened for a few weeks. I have a bottle with me at all times - in my bag, on my desk, by my bed. It is such a versatile little oil. One of the oldest herbs every used and is loved by many

From the first smell, I fell in love with this oil. It has the amazing fresh smell of Peppermint - and not that sickly sweet candy smell, but the REAL smell! Approved by Health Canada as a NHP (Natural Health Product)

Peppermint has been known to:
1. soothe Coughs & Cold Symptoms 
2. help soothe Digestive Issues
3. calm sore muscles and join paint
4. uplift your attitude
5.increase alertness (energize your day)

Peppermint + can also be used in baking or added to your tea (Peppermint +)

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